This post contains notes on things that I find useful when writing Siesta tests for the ExtJs code in Ringtail.
Using an ExtJs store
The following example shows how to load a store with results and then confirm there are items in the store and the value in a column for the first row.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var loadResponse = { success: true, results: [{ "Rank": 1, "Extension": "doc" }, { "Rank": 2, "Extension": "docx" }, { "Rank": 3, "Extension": "rtf" }, { "Rank": 4, "Extension": "ppt" }, { "Rank": 5, "Extension": "pptx" }, { "Rank": 6, "Extension": "xls" }, { "Rank": 7, "Extension": "xlsx" }, { "Rank": 8, "Extension": "msg" }, { "Rank": 9, "Extension": "pdf" }, { "Rank": 10, "Extension": "mht" }, { "Rank": 11, "Extension": "htm" }, { "Rank": 12, "Extension": "html" }, { "Rank": 13, "Extension": "vsd" }, { "Rank": 14, "Extension": "txt" }], "total": 14 }, fileTypeRanksStore = t.createRegisteredStore(''), testTarget; fileTypeRanksStore.loadData(loadResponse.results); testTarget = Ext.create('', { store: fileTypeRanksStore }); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should load the store and confirm it has 14 rows and the value for the Extension column in the first row is doc', function (t) { t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' }, function (next) { var store = testTarget.getStore(); t.expect(store.getAt(0).get('Extension')).toBe('doc'); t.expect(; } ); }); }); }); }); |
Mocking a resource string
Line 17 in the following example shows how to mock a resource string
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var testTarget; testTarget = Ext.create(''); t.mockResourceString('PortalManagement_Settings', 'FileTypeRankReorderingFailure', 'Reordering files failed'); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should confirm the view loads', function (t) { t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' } ); }); }); }); }); |
Handle Requests to the Server
Line 31 in the following example shows how to handle a request to a server in unit tests. Note, I also have a click handler, which was needed in this specific test to trigger the request to the server.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var loadResponse = { success: true, results: [{ "Rank": 1, "Extension": "doc" }, { "Rank": 2, "Extension": "docx" }, { "Rank": 3, "Extension": "rtf" }, { "Rank": 4, "Extension": "ppt" }, { "Rank": 5, "Extension": "pptx" }, { "Rank": 6, "Extension": "xls" }, { "Rank": 7, "Extension": "xlsx" }, { "Rank": 8, "Extension": "msg" }, { "Rank": 9, "Extension": "pdf" }, { "Rank": 10, "Extension": "mht" }, { "Rank": 11, "Extension": "htm" }, { "Rank": 12, "Extension": "html" }, { "Rank": 13, "Extension": "vsd" }, { "Rank": 14, "Extension": "txt" }], "total": 14 }, fileTypeRanksStore = t.createRegisteredStore(''), testTarget; fileTypeRanksStore.loadData(loadResponse.results); testTarget = Ext.create('', { store: fileTypeRanksStore }); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should handle the request to AddFileTypeRank on the server', function (t) { t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' }, { click : "web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list => table.x-grid-item:nth-child(1) .c-action-col-cell", offset : [52, 15] }, t.respondToXhr({ url: 'PortalManagement/PortalSettings/AddFileTypeRank', response: { "success": true } }), function (next) { // Add assertions here } ); }); }); }); }); |
Another useful tip regarding respondToXhr requests is that I can perform the same action in the actual application and grab the response in Chrome Dev Tools, which can then be used to in my test.
Get a cell in a grid
Line 28 in the following example shows how to get a cell in a grid.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var loadResponse = { success: true, results: [{ "Rank": 1, "Extension": "doc" }, { "Rank": 2, "Extension": "docx" }, { "Rank": 3, "Extension": "rtf" }, { "Rank": 4, "Extension": "ppt" }, { "Rank": 5, "Extension": "pptx" }, { "Rank": 6, "Extension": "xls" }, { "Rank": 7, "Extension": "xlsx" }, { "Rank": 8, "Extension": "msg" }, { "Rank": 9, "Extension": "pdf" }, { "Rank": 10, "Extension": "mht" }, { "Rank": 11, "Extension": "htm" }, { "Rank": 12, "Extension": "html" }, { "Rank": 13, "Extension": "vsd" }, { "Rank": 14, "Extension": "txt" }], "total": 14 }, fileTypeRanksStore = t.createRegisteredStore(''), testTarget; fileTypeRanksStore.loadData(loadResponse.results); testTarget = Ext.create('', { store: fileTypeRanksStore }); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should get the cell in the first row, second column', function (t) { var cell = t.getCell(testTarget, 0, 2); t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' }, { click: editableCell, desc: 'Click to edit the first extension cell' }, function (next) { // Add assertions here } ); }); }); }); }); |
Editing a cell in a grid
The following example shows how to trigger and perform an edit to a cell in a grid. I was able to get the click, action, and click steps on lines 32-34 from the recorder feature in Siesta.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var loadResponse = { success: true, results: [{ "Rank": 1, "Extension": "doc" }, { "Rank": 2, "Extension": "docx" }, { "Rank": 3, "Extension": "rtf" }, { "Rank": 4, "Extension": "ppt" }, { "Rank": 5, "Extension": "pptx" }, { "Rank": 6, "Extension": "xls" }, { "Rank": 7, "Extension": "xlsx" }, { "Rank": 8, "Extension": "msg" }, { "Rank": 9, "Extension": "pdf" }, { "Rank": 10, "Extension": "mht" }, { "Rank": 11, "Extension": "htm" }, { "Rank": 12, "Extension": "html" }, { "Rank": 13, "Extension": "vsd" }, { "Rank": 14, "Extension": "txt" }], "total": 14 }, fileTypeRanksStore = t.createRegisteredStore(''), testTarget; fileTypeRanksStore.loadData(loadResponse.results); testTarget = Ext.create('', { store: fileTypeRanksStore }); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should edit the value in the cell located in the first row, second column', function (t) { var editableCell = t.getCell(testTarget, 0, 2); t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' }, { click: editableCell, desc: 'Click to edit the first extension cell' }, { action: "type", text: "changed" }, { click: "web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list => .x-panel-body" }, function (next) { var store = testTarget.getStore(); t.expect(store.getAt(0).get('Extension')).toBe('docchanged'); } ); }); }); }); }); |
Handling Ringtail.Notification in tests
To handle calls to Ringtail.Notifications, we have to
- Set a spy (Line 30)
- Assert that it was called (Line 42)
- Reset the notification (Line 43)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | /** * This tests **/ startTest(function (t) { 'use strict'; t.requireOk([ '' ], function () { t.describe('', function (t) { var loadResponse = { success: true, results: [{ "Rank": 1, "Extension": "doc" }, { "Rank": 2, "Extension": "docx" }, { "Rank": 3, "Extension": "rtf" }, { "Rank": 4, "Extension": "ppt" }, { "Rank": 5, "Extension": "pptx" }, { "Rank": 6, "Extension": "xls" }, { "Rank": 7, "Extension": "xlsx" }, { "Rank": 8, "Extension": "msg" }, { "Rank": 9, "Extension": "pdf" }, { "Rank": 10, "Extension": "mht" }, { "Rank": 11, "Extension": "htm" }, { "Rank": 12, "Extension": "html" }, { "Rank": 13, "Extension": "vsd" }, { "Rank": 14, "Extension": "txt" }], "total": 14 }, fileTypeRanksStore = t.createRegisteredStore(''), testTarget; fileTypeRanksStore.loadData(loadResponse.results); testTarget = Ext.create('', { store: fileTypeRanksStore }); Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: [testTarget], renderTo: document.body, layout: 'fit' });'Should edit file type name', function (t) { var editableCell = t.getCell(testTarget, 0, 2); Ringtail.Notification = { show: t.createSpy('show') }; t.chain( { waitForComponentQuery: 'web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list' }, { click: editableCell, desc: 'Click to edit the first extension cell' }, { action: "type", text: "changed" }, { click: "web-portal-management-settings-filetyperank-list => .x-panel-body" }, t.respondToXhr({ url: 'PortalManagement/PortalSettings/UpdateFileTypeRank', response: { "success": true } }), function (next) { var store = testTarget.getStore(); t.expect(store.getAt(0).get('Extension')).toBe('docchanged'); t.ok( === 1, 'should have called that edit succeeded');; } ); }); }); }); }); |
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